Mother and daughter duo, Dr. Lana Whiskeyjack and Serina Follette, are treaty iskwewak (women) from Saddle Lake Cree Nation.

Lana is an art actionist and assistant professor at the Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta. Find her at lanawhiskeyjack.ca

Serina is an emerging artist, who recently attended the Indigenous Health Science Program and completed her Licensed Practical Nurse program at University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills (UnBQ).

This book is dedicated to all the nêhiyawêwin language learners, educators and cultural warriors. A special thanks to ninapem James Lamouche, Shannon Houle, Kevin Lewis, Wayne Jackson, and nikawiysis Alsena White for the nêhiyawêwin support